1. FDA拟发布一项拟议规则,针对那些公认安全(GRAS)食品配料和该局批准的食品添加剂,将美国饲料控制官协会(AAFCO)的动物食品配料定义设定为该局的标准和定义。该局在发布最终规则前,将对该拟议规则进行公开评议。
2. FDA科学家将评估AAFCO官方出版物中所列明,但目前尚未被FDA批准为食品添加剂或不是GRAS的动物食品配料。
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today a strategy to establish ingredient definitions and standards for animal food in order to increase transparency and affirm the safety of the animal food supply, as required by the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act (FDAAA) of 2007.
As part of the strategy, the FDA will review the list of animal food ingredient definitions used by industry and state regulators, which is contained in Association of American Feed Control Officials' (AAFCO) Official Publication. AAFCO is a voluntary membership organization that includes regulatory officials of U.S. state and federal government agencies. AAFCO provides a forum for these regulatory officials to provide guidance and recommendations to ensure that the regulation of animal feeds is as uniform as possible from state to state.
原文链接:<http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/NewsEvents/CVMUpdates/ucm440134.htm> |