三个新的皮肤过敏质量风险评估标准(Three new Standards based on the dermal sensitization QRA)
一个根据皮肤过敏质量风险评估并且有最大使用剂量水平的修正标准(One revised Standard, based on the dermal sensitization QRA, with a corrected maximum pragmatic use level )
由于安全评估数据的不充分性而禁止使用的2个新标准(Two new Standards prohibiting the use due to insufficient data for safety as-sessment)
针对4个光毒性成分联合使用的修正方针和光毒性标准应用范围说明(Revised policy on combined use of four phototoxic ingredients and clarification on the application scope of all phototoxicity Standards)
丁香酚甲醚(Methyl Eugenol) 在皮肤产品中使用限制条件修订标准(Revised Standard on Methyl eugenol on the restriction level for non-skin products)
三个说明标准(Three Standards revised for clarification)
三个关于添加化学注册号的标准(Three revised Standards due to the addition of new CAS Numbers)
其他信息(Other updated information) http://www.ifraorg.org/en-us/guidelines/s0/p1#.VX_FMdyUchQ |